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Women’s Long-Sleeve V-Neck Shirt in Wool-Silk Blend, Natural White, size 44 (W size 14), Online Clothing Store

Women’s Long-Sleeve V-Neck Shirt in Wool-Silk Blend, Natural White, size 44 (W size 14)

Made in Switzerland, with KbT certified organic wool.
70/30% wool/silk blend unites the best qualities of each for a unique textile.
Wool absorbs moisture without feeling wet, keeping you warm and dry.
Silk provides durability and extra softness.
Natural fibers breathe, maintaining a comfortable temperature in warmth or cold. These woolens provide warmth and well-being. Made in merino wool/silk blend. Wool's natural lanolin removes odors and bacteria as clothing airs out overnight. Wash occasionally by hand with lanolin-replenishing woolwash. Available in natural white or black. More »


Price : $70.00