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Customer Reviews
Reviews about the "Small Red Adult Laters Baby Hooded Sweatshirt Hoodie"
The Average Review score is 5.0 on a scale of 5.0. Total 3 reviewers are considered to generate the average review. Some of the new or latest reviews in Hoodies & Sweatshirts - Men might be helpful and interesting to you. This average review is fetched by Lio Kim and posted on 17 October
5 stars
#5 Stars: 3 ,
[ 5.0 stars ]
"I bought this sweatshirt because I love Fifty Shades of Grey. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality. Not to heavy/not to light, but super soft. It is a little longer than most sweatshirts, which I love. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Hoodies & Sweatshirts - Men review is genenrated by m7gilbs
which was written on September 26, 2013 1 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Hoodies & Sweatshirts - Men out of 1 users. Review fetched on April 5, 2014 by Online Clothing Store.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"I enjoyed the "50 Shades of Gray" Series and a friend of mine had a sweatshirt like this one, so I had to have one too! The fit and design are perfect - washes & wears nicely too! ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Hoodies & Sweatshirts - Men review is genenrated by JLSMRI
which was written on June 5, 2013 3 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Hoodies & Sweatshirts - Men out of 3 users. Review fetched on April 5, 2014 by Online Clothing Store.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"I love this item. It fits well and the fabric feels great. It washes and dries beautifully. Would definately recommend this item. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Hoodies & Sweatshirts - Men review is genenrated by Rainie
which was written on December 18, 2012 6 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Hoodies & Sweatshirts - Men out of 6 users. Review fetched on April 5, 2014 by Online Clothing Store.
Average Review : 5.0 of 5.0, produced from 1 customer reviews.
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