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Native American War Bonnet Feather Headdress, Reproduction, Online Clothing Store

Native American War Bonnet Feather Headdress, Reproduction

The most authentic reproduction available in the marketplace.
Each piece is made to order and uses all natural products from turkey quills to rabit fur.
This item is as durable and comfortable as it is beautiful, designed to be worn for hours of active usage. This Native American Reproduction War Bonnet Feather Headdress is Hand-crafted with up to 40 individual 12/14" Black-tipped Imitation Eagle Turkey Quills, accented with black/white marabou fluff, with detailed beaded strips and rosettes, and rabbit fur strips. This item is made to fit both adult male and female heads due to comfortable leather mold with adjustable straps. Each war bon More »


Price : $125.00