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Lalabye Baby 5 Reusable Cloth Diaper Set – Gender Neutral (Gender Neutral), Online Clothing Store

Lalabye Baby 5 Reusable Cloth Diaper Set – Gender Neutral (Gender Neutral)

2 - in - 1 cloth diapering system
Fits approximately 8-35 lbs
Can be used as a pocket or an All in two style diaper
5 fun and stylish colors
Healthy and Economical Each pack includes 5 One-size Cloth Diapers. Each diaper includes 2 bamboo inserts with snaps. 1. Waterproof Exterior - PUL (polyurethane laminate). This laminate-backed diaper fabric was originally developed for the medical community, but it's softness, flexibility and water-proof qualities make it perfect for cloth diapering. 2. Suede Cloth interior - Suedecloth wicks moisture a More »


Price : $89.75

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