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Jones New York Women’s Lace Shirt Dress, Blue, 8, Online Clothing Store

Jones New York Women’s Lace Shirt Dress, Blue, 8

Great lace dress that can be worn on a dinner date or an event.
A nice sophisticated dress that's also great for a special occasion. Corded lace shirt dress. More »


Price : $149.00

This Item is currently Unavailable

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Product Specification
Available No
Binding Apparel
Brand Jones New York
ClothingSize 8
Color Blue
Department womens
EAN 0762731367196
Label Jones New York Women's Dresses
Manufacturer Jones New York Women's Dresses
Model 10355085
ProductGroup Apparel
ProductTypeName DRESS
Publisher Jones New York Women's Dresses
Size 8
Studio Jones New York Women's Dresses
Title Jones New York Women's Lace Shirt Dress, Blue, 8
UPC 762731367196

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