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Customer Reviews
Reviews about the "Hanes Beefy-T With A Pocket, Orange , X-Large"
The Average Review score is 4.8 on a scale of 5.0. Total 4 reviewers are considered to generate the average review. Some of the new or latest reviews in Tops & Tees - Men might be helpful and interesting to you. This average review is fetched by Lio Kim and posted on 10 July
5 stars
4 stars
#5 Stars: 3 , #4 Stars: 1 ,
[ 5.0 stars ]
"These shirts fit as billed. Made from sturdy cotton they are quite comfortable and hold up well to machine washing. As teeshirts go, these are about as good as they get. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Tops & Tees - Men review is genenrated by Charles Gilbert
which was written on June 8, 2014 1 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Tops & Tees - Men out of 1 users. Review fetched on November 2, 2014 by Online Clothing Store.
[ 4.0 stars ]
"I have other hanes beefy tees and love them. This is a good shirt. However it is not a thick as my other ones. It is a bis small than my others. I put them agenst other and this is smaller. I washed in cold as I do my others. I do like the shirt, but like I said it is thinner and smaller. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Tops & Tees - Men review is genenrated by bonnie dean
which was written on May 29, 2014 1 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Tops & Tees - Men out of 1 users. Review fetched on November 2, 2014 by Online Clothing Store.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"These are great shirts. A bit on the larger size, but I like that. Pocket is a good size,, and collar lies flat. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Tops & Tees - Men review is genenrated by Steven R. Brecker
which was written on August 1, 2013 1 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Tops & Tees - Men out of 1 users. Review fetched on November 2, 2014 by Online Clothing Store.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"Damn good t-shirt, at a damn good price, truly "baby-Bear's porridge" [just right]. You could pay more but that would be foolish. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Tops & Tees - Men review is genenrated by Noam D. Plume "mideon13"
which was written on May 26, 2013 1 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Tops & Tees - Men out of 1 users. Review fetched on November 2, 2014 by Online Clothing Store.
Average Review : 5.0 of 5.0, produced from 1 customer reviews.
Product Specification
Hanes Beefy-T With A Pocket, Orange , X-Large
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