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Carhartt Baby-Girls Newborn Washed Ripstop Bib Overall Set, Moonlite Mauve, 6 Months, Online Clothing Store

Carhartt Baby-Girls Newborn Washed Ripstop Bib Overall Set, Moonlite Mauve, 6 Months

Long sleeve bodyshirt with ruffle neck and sleeves and back neck and crotch closure.
Washed printed camo overall with adjustable shoulder straps, bib pocket and leg snaps.
Printed Jersey Long sleeve bodyshirt with ruffle neck and sleeves and back neck and crotch closure. Carhartt screen print on sleeve. Washed printed camo overall with adjustable shoulder straps, bib pocket and leg snaps. Heart shape logo snaps, embroidered c on bib pocket and woven carhartt brand mark label on back pocket. More »


Price : $36.00

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