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Assassins Creed 3 Connor/Conner Kenway Hoodie Costume Jacket Coat,Black With Purple (Men-X-Large), Online Clothing Store

Assassins Creed 3 Connor/Conner Kenway Hoodie Costume Jacket Coat,Black With Purple (Men-X-Large)

WitBuy is a registered brand in the US. Buy products with brand WitBuy to ensure high quality.
Uniform cloth
Both for cosplay or daily wear
Available for men and women,children and adults.
Custom-made service is available for this costume. Product pictures you see here are shooted by Witbuy. Other sellers don't have the product details. Buying from them and you might get products not like what you see here! This jacket is to resemble the one protagonist Connor Kenway wears in the Assassin's Creed Title, it is based on Connor 's revolutionary war regimental assassin one. It spots turnback center panels with reversi More »

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